Monday, July 11, 2011

Yeah, I cut some stuff.

I cut this.

And This
 And this
Oh look, Dad is drinking a beer while I work. How unusual.

Worst post yet.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Suck It Sickle

My dad has a machine that I'm pretty sure has been advertised on television.  It's a large machine that cuts through tall grass, brush and saplings up to an inch thick.  Well I went to use it around our farm yesterday and the goddamned thing was broken.  So I took it apart and I fixed it.  How awesome is that?  Not very.

But what is awesome is that I am going to use that thing today and really cut down some brush and trees and tall grass-Just like in the commercial I think I've seen.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Here We Go!

As usual, I'm late getting started.  I like to write, but haven't been doing much of it in ohhhh, about ten years.  So, after a year of unemployment and odd jobs, I decided to attempt to get back into the swing.  Luckily, I'm talking to myself right now.  But I have a feeling this blog is going to take off like wildfire or hotcakes or HOLY SHIT!! England just beat Japan in the women's World Cup. Just kidding I don't really care about that, but it did happen.

So, here is a brief summary of where I stand.  I lived in Charleston, SC from May 1993 to Jan 2011.  After college I went to work on a small clam farm.  I did that for ten years, and am sure I will share some stories of my time on the water here soon.  Clam farm became non profitable so I went with the founder of the business on a venture to open a wholesale seafood distribution company.  That business sucked.  I went from selling a product I had grown locally to pushing imported, frozen, farm-raised shit.  So somewhere around May or June 2010 I parted ways with that.  I lived in Charleston for the rest of the year, drying out my savings and working odd jobs.

In January, I took my sister up on an offer to move in with her, her husband and their daughters in Richmond VA.  I have a brother in Arlington, VA and another brother in Farmville, VA.  So the move to Richmond was easy, knowing I'd be so much closer to my family (my parents also live in Farmville).  All of my siblings have children, so it has been nice to be around all of that.  Prior to moving home, I was the scary uncle with the beard.

So here I am, somewhere between my third floor bedroom at my sister's house and my childhood home, trying to find my way.

It'll all work out.